When I had my breakdown, my parents felt helpless. I felt helpless. I just snapped. Am I really going crazy? Am I really going into a facility right now?
Continue reading “Mental Break Down”Goodbye Delray
*Written October 23rd 2019*
Today my brother and I are flying down to Florida to say goodbye to my Dad’s condo. A day I knew would have to come, and thought I was ready for, but maybe not so much.
Continue reading “Goodbye Delray”Saying Sorry
From my last post one thing I mentioned was how it’s the little things that matter. Little things like saying “I’m sorry.”
Continue reading “Saying Sorry”Birthday
When I turned fifteen I had a small party. Veteran’s Day is after my birthday so we always had the day off from school. They used to have teen nights at an old club called Tuxedo Junction right off of Main Street.
During my parents’ separation/divorce, I started to catch onto something I very much disliked.
Continue reading “Him”Depression And What It Looks Like
Depression has been something I’ve struggled with since Middle School. I’ve always been an emotional kid and adult, so maybe it even started before then. Depression wasn’t something I ever wanted to admit to myself, and it’s hard to notice when you are depressed until someone else points it out, and even th
Coming Home
Before my parents separated, my Mom decided to go back to school. She wanted a career, and I think she knew she was going to eventually leave my Dad. She was also at the time very involved with being on town committees and political parties. I still wasn’t old enough to drive, and Dad was 80% of the time drunk.
Continue reading “Coming Home”Warning Signs Of Alcoholism

For people who may not know much about alcoholism, there is a lot to learn. Even I am learning more and more as I do more research. I’d like to first start with the warning signs. This list comes from alcorehab.org. I have done a good deal of research, and this website is a fantastic source if you want to know more.
Continue reading “Warning Signs Of Alcoholism”Mom
Some of my posts won’t always be in order. My brain jumps around and there are so many different things I want to talk about. I want to also focus on the positive things. Only recently have I been able to let go of some of my anger entirely. And one thing I need to do is acknowledge how much I need to give my mom credit. When I still thought things were picture perfect, she knew that they weren’t and she hid it so well. You’d never have thought anything was wrong. She shielded us for as long as she could. She was a stay at home mom; she was always there to do things. I was also a very active high strung kid, and I know I didn’t always make things easy for her.
Continue reading “Mom”Telling His Story
Sometimes writing about my dad makes me feel like I am betraying him. He never wanted people to know his story, so why do I have the right to share it? He was astonishingly good at hiding his “inner demons” from others. Of