Have you ever felt like you weren’t “good enough”? I know for me it has been something I have struggled with for a long time. I think I was told so many times that I wasn’t good enough that I just eventually believed it. And when you start to believe that, you start to make poor decisions, or just give up.
Continue reading “Feeling Like You’re Not Enough”Guidelines To Letting Go
My therapist gave me an amazing basic guideline of letting go. I’ve read it so many times and it’s amazing how every single line hits home, how I’ve never learned to let go. It absolutely will take time to heal and let go, but I wanted to share how each one really relates. This piece is a poem from an unknown source
Continue reading “Guidelines To Letting Go”Alateen

My mom had joined a support group called Al-anon. It’s a support group for adults who are dealing with someone they have in their lives who is an alcoholic. She found a great support group for her to help understand 1.) Alcoholism is a disease 2.) There is support and 3.)How to deal with her situation. With her joining this group she learned there was a group like hers but for teens(Alateen). And she wanted me to go. She thought it would help me understand a little bit more of why my dad was the way he was.
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